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(More customer reviews)I am a big fan of I Love Lucy i have seen ever episode and also have the videos of it. After the last episode of I Love Lucy "Ricardos Dedicate A Statue" i was down in the dumps 179 episodes is allot but come on it is and will be FOREVER the best tv show...After that she did twelve episodes of thee "Lucy and Desi Comedy Hour" with her hubby of course and as well as Vivian Vance "Ethel" and William Frawley "Fred" after difficulties with Vivian who are so quoted "Sisters" act and look like another (? ) had been fighting so after "Japan" episode took a little brake did a few movies and a new show was developed "THE LUCY SHOW" even though Vivian Vance was in this too! (have no reason explained why even though they bickered WHATEVER) Lucy was her crazy self they started out in B&W which Viv. was in and did like "home episodes" and then when Viv. left due to her Bone Cancer....Lucy was in color and her job was an bank accountent/assitant for MR. Mooney (Very uprupt and grummpy character-lucy's boss )her new pal was Mary...This video includeds:
Lucy Gets Trapped *When Lucy goes shopping for a sale that she can't pass and wins furniture etc. for being the emteen customer she is reported in the paper ...UTOH Mr.Mooney reads that paper every morning why is this a problem for Lucy cause she faked ill that day to go to the sale just wait till Mr.Mooney finds out
Lucy The Babysitter *When Lucy says she is a so much help at the bank and she is all he has Mr.Mooney laughs and says "He's Still Looking" Lucy takes offense of course and says anyone would want my help so she goes to a employment office (very much like Job Switching *Chocolate Factory* i Love Lucy episode) goes through so many "no-go" jobs ones left a babysitting job good good pay Lucy starts to wounder why though(? ) *HERES A HINT MAYBE THERE MONKEYS THATS WHY*
Lucy The Bean Queen When Lucy is in the office on another exciting day she trys to get Mr.Mooney to sign a form so she can get furniture and pay him back NOT OVER HIS DEAD BODY so misunderstanding Mr.Mooneys idea -which turns out good anyway Lucy sees a add "BEST BEANS YOU EVER TASTED" if your not satisfied get double your money back! Lucy and Mary decided to get 3,000 bean cans to get her money for the furniture. But when Lucy tastes the last can she actually finds out THEY ARE THE BEST BEANS SHE EVER TASTED---what happens to the 3,000 find out in this video package
Lucy Meets the Law When Lucy and Mary went to a sale to shopping for goodies they sit down for a rest and Lucy has a chocolate bar and throws the wrapper on the ground Mary told her its the law and you can get arrested and get a fine Lucy panics and was about to pick it up while a look a like Lucy puts stolen jewels in her bag and police came around and arrest Lucy she might serve 10 years in prision the police told her what is going to happen?
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