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(More customer reviews)Based on the bestselling novel by Candace Bushnell, the HBO original series Sex And The City took the television world by storm following its release in the summer of 1998. Following the exploits of four young and educated female friends living and working in New York City, the show revolves around the various relationships and life problems experienced by each member of the group. Sporting an experienced and talented cast, the show has developed a strong, borderline fanatic following...
Sarah Jessica Parker (the de facto lead character of the show) stars as Carrie Bradshaw, a popular sex columnist for a local newspaper who travels in numerous Manhattan social circles. Carrie is engaged in a tempestuous on-again, off-again relationship with a mystery man always referred to as "Mr. Big". The young urban professional shares her life with three best friends who have similarly interesting jobs - Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon), a lawyer tired of being single given the societal ramifications; Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), a promiscuous publicist who enjoys non-exclusive relationships; and Charlotte McDougal (Kristin Davis), an art museum curator who is relatively less open about her sexuality... Together, the women seek each other's advice on the ever-present and varying predicaments in which they find their romantic relationships...
The Sex And The City (Season 4) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "The Agony and the 'Ex'stasy" in which Carrie celebrates her 35th birthday. The milestone gives cause for the various women to reflect - Samantha is happy with her various sexual liaisons, Miranda realizes that marriage does not equate with happiness, Charlotte loses her appetite for Trey following a late night incident, and Carrie is disappointed when her dinner party bombs, but she perks up when Mr. Big arrives unannounced with a bottle of Champagne... Other notable episodes from Season 4 include "Defining Moments" in which each of the women defines a new set of boundaries in each of their various relationships, and "Baby, Talk is Cheap" in which Samantha meets a man who enjoys baby talk in bed and Charlotte and Trey decide against trying to conceive after attending a dinner party with their married friends and children...
Below is a list of episodes included on the Sex And The City (Season 4) DVD:
Episode 49 (The Agony and the 'Ex'stasy)
Episode 50 (The Real Me)
Episode 51 (Defining Moments)
Episode 52 (What's Sex Got to Do With It?)
Episode 53 (Ghost Town)
Episode 54 (Baby, Talk is Cheap)
Episode 55 (Time and Punishment)
Episode 56 (My Motherboard, My Self)
Episode 57 (Sex and the Country)
Episode 58 (Belles of the Balls)
Episode 59 (Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda)
Episode 60 (Just Say Yes)
Episode 61 (The Good Fight)
Episode 62 (All That Glitters)
Episode 63 (Change of a Dress)
Episode 64 (Ring a Ding Ding)
Episode 65 (A Vogue Idea)
Episode 66 (I Heart NY)
The DVD Report
Click Here to see more reviews about: Sex and the City: The Complete Fourth Season (1998)
Each episode of Sex & the City deal with the romantic challenges that single women face when they start seeing the big three oh in the rear view mirror & start finding new suitable mates. These challenges are revealed through the eyes of several friends, each of whom has their own ideas on how to catch Mr. Right. There's Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), who pushed the envelope of dating & sex in the name of journalism; Samantha (Kim Catrall), a PR Executive who has seen (& done) it all; Charlotte (Kristin Davis), an art deal who believes love conquers all, despite a tottering marriage; & Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), a lawyer now contemplating motherhood.
Click here for more information about Sex and the City: The Complete Fourth Season (1998)
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