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(More customer reviews)Columbia Tristar continues to neglect their wealth of classic catalogue titles by giving us movies that we really want to see in transfers that range from disappointing to absolute rip-offs. Over the course of their tenure at Columbia, "The Three Stooges" made some 200 short subjects that rank among the funniest one reelers ever made. It's no wonder these guys are a cultural icon - they're incredibly funny.
But you won't be laughing when you see the quality of some of the transfers represented on these discs. Here's the long and short of it - in the mid 1990's somebody at Columbia decided it was time to honor the stooges with a laserdisc box set. So technicians at the studio went to their library and digitally remastered 32 short subjects and marketed them as a box set.
However, in the intervening years, DVD replaced laserdisc and, with sales of classics slumping over at Columbia, the new regime decided that they would rather just slap any old quality of transfer onto a disc, rather than take the time to repair and remaster these classic shorts. But, they still had the original 32 remastered laserdisc transfers at their disposal. So what Columbia did was to spread these 32 shorts throughout their recently released DVD series and shove in three or four truly awful transfers in between on each disc, hoping the consumer wouldn't notice, wouldn't care or wouldn't complain about the varying degrees of quality. Well - I'M COMPLAINING!!!
While certain shorts exhibit a relatively good gray scale and contrast levels, others are riddled with excessive film grain and digital compression artifacts including aliasing, shimmering and edge enhancement problems and extremely poor audio tracks that are either rendered at listening levels way below what is considered normal or are incredibly strident and scratchy. In keeping with the penny pinching - though in no way is the studio's spend-thrift attitude reflected in the price you'll be paying, there are NO EXTRAS! I've reviewed only this box set herein, but I've had a chance to view all of the currently available stooge material and I have to tell you that this review could easily apply to any of the DVD's currently on the market.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Three Stooges DVD Collection (Curly Classics / Spook Louder / All the World's a Stooge) (1948)
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